
Unlock the full potential of your business by harnessing the unrivaled benefits of in-depth analytics. Gain valuable insights that will empower you to make informed decisions, optimize your operations, drive revenue growth, and better serve your customers.

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tailored Recommendations

AI recommendations

Enable customer discovery

Provide tailored product recommendations to customers based on their past purchases, preferences, or browsing behavior.

Increase order size

Suggest complementary products that customers are likely to purchase together.


Your business at a glance

Customer insights

Valuable order behavior analytics to optimize your business and better meet customer needs.

Sales team insights

Deeper understanding of sales performance and opportunities to boost profitability. Track metrics around average SKUs ordered, number of placed orders, purchase volume (units and $), and item sales and history.

Business insights

Real-time metrics to help make informed growth-driving decisions.

Elevate and future proof your customer experience with Pepper

Our clients see 23% growth in drop size, let’s talk about what Pepper can do for your organization.